The word “fovere” comes from Latin and means cozy.
When creating the FOVERE brand of acoustic felts, we wanted this softness and cosiness to have a solid foundation in quality, production perfection and ecology. We succeeded because the pillars of the company are people from the world of business and finance, with extensive experience in furnishing commercial interiors.
Discover FOVERE. Discover design.Acoustics and wellbeing
The use of Fovere felt significantly improves the acoustics in public and private interiors, which measurably affects the health and well-being of people staying there.
Statistically, we spend about 90% of the time indoors, which is why healthy and friendly interiors translate into our well-being, cognitive abilities, creativity, efficiency and – in the case of medical facilities – the speed of recovery. In our assumption, as a manufacturer, Fovere is the answer to healthy and friendly interiors.

Creative solutions
to improve acoustics:
and security

Fovere are acoustic polyester (PET) panels made of 70% recycled material, 100% produced in Poland.

To produce 1 panel, we need about 120 PET bottles with a capacity of 1 liter. This is a huge profit for the environment, because thanks to our actions, this plastic will not become waste.

The production of the panels takes place in Poland, which significantly affects the level of the carbon footprint, which will be important lower compared to any other product of this type on the market. Not without substantial is also the distribution route of the product, which is shortened to a minimum due to the country of origin.

The material from which the Fovere panels are made has been tested by the Polish building product certification body. It is a flame retardant material, so it can be used both in commercial facilities such as offices or hotels, but also in hospitals, schools, kindergartens and private interiors.
Our design. Your design.
Always good design.
Fovere + print – is a combination of the classic Fovere panel material (100% PET) with a surface finish made by digital printing of the highest quality. You can choose from our range or create your own design on an acoustic, eco-friendly material. You can also create your own pattern with the help of our graphic designers. The minimum order is 1 panel. We can print on one side of the panel or on both sides.
Freely choose the cut-out pattern and type of print. And the wood effect? How real.
Compose your design. Express yourself.A wealth of solutions
– same effect
FOVERE acoustic solutions bring the design ingenuity of architects and interior designers to life. Creative freedom is also increased by the fact that the panels can be freely combined and cut out of various forms and shapes. In addition to improving acoustic comfort in spaces where people meet to work, talk or study, Fovere panels aesthetically enrich interiors by decorating them with their colours, textures and shapes.
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